
[Magi] Yunan x HalfFanalis!Reader - Escape

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Sekata's avatar

Literature Text

The wandering Magi, I guess that’s the phrase that everyone called him by.

His name was Yunan, only a few people had his trust and only a few people knew how he truly was on the inside. Well, to be exact, Sinbad’s mother Esra was the last person who had gained his trust blindly; ever since her death, Yunan was not able to fully trust anyone.

But that was his destiny, he thought.

Yunan, the wandering Magi, after dying 8 times and coming back to life because of his rukh, finally accepted his fate; a fate that was filled with loneliness and restless wandering around the world without a goal in mind.

Although he was always showing a smile, he felt completely different on the inside.

Right now it was raining and oh how he loved the rain. Whenever it rained, his tears were free to flow down his cheeks; those tears that were sometimes unintentional dwelled in his eyes because with every passing day, week, month, and possibly with every passing life… the pain in his heart started to increase more and more.

Sometimes, he’d wonder the meaning for his restless travels…Why do I exist and why am I not allowed to just die and rest? Why?

Those questions made his head ache so he decided to rest on a small lake in the Dark Continent.

He liked the Dark Continent because it was pretty quiet with not many humans around. No one could see his fake smile falter, being replaced with little sobs when the bitterness overtook him; here he was allowed to be himself and it felt good… for a moment.

Yunan slowly placed his wand beside him before he undressed himself; even if it was cold and raining, he wanted to bathe in the lake. He couldn't say why though.

As his feet came in contact with the cold water, he shuddered and stopped in his tracks, he slowly went forward until the water was above his waist. That should be enough!

Yunan closed his eyes and laid back his head, so that the rain would be able to hit his face. The crystal droplets dripped from his hair into the water and his slender fingers immersed into the water so that he could splash his chest and stomach with the refreshing water; it felt amazing as a bit of his burden just washed away. He sighed contentedly as he continued to splash himself with water, while the rain pelted on him.

The weather got worse and a thunderstorm was approaching; as the first lightning hit a nearby tree, Yunan got out of the water, picked up his clothes and searched for a safe place to stay. He was lucky, because he found – not far away from the lake – a shabby barn. But this made him wonder even more; he didn't recall seeing this forest or anything that was around… maybe he never noticed this on his previous visits?

The temperature in the barn was pretty warm and comfortable, so Yunan decided to spend the night there. He laid his clothes over the wooden pillar where they could dry off as he decided to lay in the straw; but of course it was pretty rough. But Yunan wouldn't be Yunan if he couldn't change that, right? So he concentrated the Rukh from his surroundings, within seconds the straw became soft like silk; of course he hadn’t changed the appearance of the straw, what if someone would barge in? It would be hard to explain why the barn is filled with silky stuff.

He yawned as he cuddled into the now soft straw and after a few seconds he fell asleep.

“ anymore…” Your cracked sentence reached his ears as he woke up.

//The barn isn't abandoned after all?// he thought and hid under the straw – he was naked after all. He saw a young girl about [age] years with light red hair. It seemed you were a Fanalis or at least Half-Fanalis.

//A Fanalis? I thought they left this Continent a long time ago..// Yunan thought astonished, but then frowned as you repeated your sentence that he had not caught the first time.

“I can't take it anymore…” Yunan’s eyes widened a bit; your sentence not only sounded alarming but it sounded as if you were crying.

Yunan stayed hidden to make sure he wouldn't scare you and simply watched you. You seemed emaciated and your body had many bruises – most of them recent. He could tell that your whole body was bruised because your clothes were ragged and dirty. Were you a slave? No, you didn't have chains on your feet… but there had to be a reason that you looked slim, oppressed and shaky.

It took all his will-power to not forget about his situation and simply hug you; his heart broke at your miserable sight but he restrained himself from doing it – at least for now because he was still naked.

After a half hour you calmed down and wiped your tears before getting up and leaving the barn.

You hadn't noticed Yunan.

He waited a few minutes to make sure you were gone so that he could get dressed.

“Strange… Who was that?” he asked himself. Yunan had seen many tragic fates, but he had never seen someone as sad as you... besides, it wasn’t as if he were unaffected by all those fates; after all, he wasn't made of stone.

Yunan shook his head to clear his thoughts.

Afterwards he left the barn and continued his way through the forest, though he felt unfamiliar with his surroundings. Was this forest always so dark and thick? He didn't remember anything like this being here. His worries faded as the Rukh signaled him no anomalies at all; it seemed as if he simply couldn't remember the whole area. (Haha someone is getting old.)

He reached the forest’s end and found a village, however it didn't look inviting. The cottages were in ruins, walls were missing and the people tried to sell their rotten vegetables.

It was really sad to watch it all.

This made Yunan even sadder than he was before; why hadn’t he ever seen this village before? And why do these places even exist…? He never understood this. With a sad look on his beautiful face, Yunan wandered around the streets until he saw a big house.

//It seems to be the house of the mayor… he seems to live well compared to the others that almost live in the streets// Yunan thought in disbelief as he passed the house, well, until something caught his attention. He stopped in his tracks as he heard loud noises coming from inside the house. Stuff shattered and he heard a loud and angry male voice yell followed by sounds that seemed as if someone or something got hit.

The Magi got worried.

His eyes widened as the door swung open and you got thrown into the mud; Yunan hid behind the wall and observed the scenario before him,

//That’s the girl from before…// he thought.

You coughed a bit blood and held your stomach; your tears mixed with the blood that dripped from your forehead as you tried to get over the pain you were feeling. He did it again. Your father abused you one more time because you couldn't do what he wanted.

“You are a useless piece of trash. If I hadn't bought your mother from the slave trader, she would’ve ended up as a meal for the creatures of the Leam Coliseum. Be grateful that you can stay here and be treated like a human being!” your father said coldly; his eyes were menacing.

You coughed again trying to get rid of the last bit of blood from your inner wounds, you looked at the man with hatred filled eyes; he didn't deserve to be called your father.

“Should I laugh? Are you treating humans worse than critters? If this is my life then I wish I’d never been born! I'd rather be eaten by the creatures!” You spat at him, which made him even angrier and he began to kick you.

The smell of alcohol was around him as he continued mistreating you.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP! Be useful for once and bring more money at home you lazy scum!” your father growled and kicked your head as you tried to protect yourself, hiding your head behind your arms to no avail as the pain became unbearable.

Suddenly the kicks stopped; you lay on the ground, paralyzed, as every bone ached.

“Hey boy, what do you think you’re doing?” you heard your father ask as you noticed someone kneeling beside you who put a fabric around your shoulder. You looked up carefully and saw the worried and sad blue eyes of a stranger with long blonde hair; they were tied in a braid that was hanging loose around his right shoulder. Though it was impossible to tell his age, he seemed wise.

“Nobody has the right to treat other humans like this”, he speaks and stares at your father.

Your father laughed amused at this.

“Fanalis-scum aren’t humans, they are a plague that ruined our continent! This little slut should be happy that she’s allowed to live here.” His words made Yunan pissed and he needed his whole control to not lose his nerve.

“Someone who treats people this bad is the true scum of this world” Yunan spoke calmly and turned to you,

“How long did he abuse you?” he asked. You didn't know what to do or say, he was a stranger after all! As his hand brushed a strand of your hair from your face, you lost your composure.

“Don't touch me! I don't need your charity!” you yelled and slapped his hand away.

Yunan blinked as you stood up.

“And… you…” you began turning to your father, “I hate you the most of all...” you whispered and spat at him before you ran away from the village; you knew that you’d get tortured for your behavior, but you didn't care anymore.

For a brief moment, you thought of ending your life...

Yunan was silent as he tried to think about what he would do next.

He didn't know why, but he wanted to help you, so he followed you into the forest, because he was sure where you went: The barn.

He had no problem finding the barn again because he used gravitation magic to fly above the trees. Once at the barn he lowered himself until he landed at the door; though he expected sobs coming from the barn, it was silent.

//She... didn't hurt herself, did she? // Yunan thought worriedly as he opened the door; a relieved sigh escaped his lips as he found you unharmed (except for the bruises from your father).

You sat on a bale of straw, petting a bird, “I envy you for your wings little friend”, you murmured with a sad smile,“You are free and can fly where-ever you want.”

You heard a sound, and winced when you saw the stranger who approached you carefully.

“Oh... it's you again” you said and averted your gaze to the ground; the little bird flew from your hand and landed – to your surprise – on Yunan’s shoulder. Yunan smiled and pet the little animal.

“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to scare you… and I don't pity you either” he said and sat beside you.

You remained silent until a sigh escaped your lips.

“No, I’m sorry” you suddenly said. Yunan blinked and turned to you, “Why are you apologizing? I should be the one apologizing since I offended you.” Yunan said. You watched him smiling a bit sadly as he continued to pet the bird.

“No no, you were only friendly and I yelled at you... so I’m sorry. But you know, I’m not used to people being friendly to me...” Your last sentence was a murmur but Yunan heard you loud and clear.

Silence fell on both of you; you didn't even notice that Yunan was watching you silently and worriedly. Your face was pale and your body weak. Yunan guessed that you rarely ate and he wasn't wrong at all because you began to hold your stomach to suppress a grumbling noise.

Seconds later you sensed a strange feeling. As you turned your head to Yunan, his eyes closed and he formed symbols with his hands; he began to glow and his surrounding lights turns into butterflies. It was amazingly beautiful, you thought.

“Al-Kimia Al-Qadima…” he murmured.

You didn't know what was going on as the butterflies transformed into a bag of fruits filled with Pears, apples, peaches, oranges, raspberries and some exotic looking stuff you’d never seen before.

“What... What's that?” you asked amazed. Yunan smiled gently.

“Ancient Alchemy, It allows me to create things out of the Rukh around me. No illusions, real stuff”, he explained.

“R-Rukh?’ you asked.

“Oh, Rukh is the main source of Magoi and also the home of the souls; we need them to spell magic”, Yunan smiled, but he saw at your grimacing face that you hadn’t understood a single word.

He chuckled and pet your head “Well, I guess it's okay to only know that these fruits are edible” he bat his eyelashes which was pretty adorable, “Go ahead and eat”

You were speechless. Why was he friendly to you when he didn’t even know you at all?

“I.. I can't accept that…”, you stuttered out trying to decline, but Yunan shoved a few raspberries in your mouth.

“It's okay; I only made them for you. And I can create more fruits in no time”, he said and took a pear to eat it.

Your gaze was locked on the ground, as your cheeks increased in heat; there was a warm feeling deep inside your chest. Was this caused by him? “Thank you.. But I don't even know your name…” you whispered softly as you reluctantly grabbed a [favorite fruit]. Yunan smiled and put the bag on your lap.

“Don't be shy, it's all yours!  My name is Yunan, may I ask for your name too?” he asked politely.

“[N-Name…]“, you answered in a shy manner, “[Name]”, Yunan repeated and you liked how your name sounded from his voice, “A beautiful name indeed.”, Yunan said and you both ate in comfortable silence. Yunan had to refill the bag two times before you were full.

“It's been long since you ate a real meal right?” he asked you. You averted your gaze from him and nodded slightly.

“I guess it's been 5 days now that I was allowed to eat. I only get enough water so that I don't dehydrate during my work.”

“Just as I thought…” Yunan murmured awkwardly, “Why don't you run away?”, he suggested.

“I have no place to run to... I don't even know anyone and I’ve never left this forest; I just can't survive alone. Father never taught me anything besides housework and gardening”

Yunan thought for a moment.

“And if you come with me? I know many places and maybe we can find you a home. Leam is pretty nice and the high priest is very nice too.” You turned your head towards him and you were speechless again. Could you even trust him? You even didn't know anything about him! But you sensed his pure heart and his eyes weren't lying.

“I... I dunno... I...“, you began, but you started blushing, as you felt his hand on yours.

“I know it's a weird offer since we are practically strangers; but I can't just leave you back here. Your father will just strike you to death eventually.” Yunan’s serious gaze made you break under its intensity. Again you averted your gaze and began to shake; he was right… Your father's punishment became even more merciless each time, so it's only a matter of time till he kills you”

“But…” your voice died as Yunan took your hand in his and squeezed it lightly.

“Trust me. And don't be afraid; as long as I am with you, nobody will hurt you! I promise”, he smiled.

“Why…?” you asked as you looked directly into his blue eyes, “Why would you do something like that for a stranger? Pity?”

Yunan shook his head no.

“No, it's not pity, nobody deserves to live like you; we can find a place, where you’ll be free and live in peace.” His Words and gentle smile caused your heart to melt. This man… he was so gloomy and his aura was warm. It was hard to resist, so you simply leaned against his shoulder in a thankful manner.

“Thank you...” Yunan grinned; it was the first time he saw you smiling and that made you even more beautiful than you already were (in his eyes at least.)

A few moments passed before you noticed your position. You blushed madly as you pulled away from him, averting your gaze once more. Yunan blinked questioning, before he chuckled lowly and put his arm around your shoulder – pressing you back against him.

“It's alright.” he whispered. Your heart began to race; his closeness, his scent, his voice and his aura let you drift off from reality.

Soon you fell asleep, still leaned on him.


You woke up and the first thing that you noticed: You weren't in the barn anymore! As you looked up, you saw Yunan and then you noticed that he was carrying you bridal style. Your surroundings seemed familiar until it was clear that you were in the village.

“Oh? Finally awake? Good timing! Then you can pack your things by yourself; otherwise I’d have to gather things that you might need” he smiled and you blushed again. He put you down and wanted to say something, but the cold voice of your father made you freeze in shock.

“What is the matter of this?!”

Yunan hid you behind his back to prevent you from shaking and collapsing.

“We’re get her clothes, she's coming with me” Yunan casually stated. Your father growled angry at the Magi and took out his sword; enraged he wanted to stab Yunan, but he blocked him with his Borg-Barrier.

“Who do you think you are? She is MY property! And you have no right to take her from me! As long as she is not promised for marriage, I can do whatever I want with her” your father said grinning, knowing that nobody would ever want to marry someone like you with shabby clothes and dirty hair.

Yunan sighed and ran a hand trough his hair. “Is that all?” he grinned and pulled you into a lovingly hug.


You couldn't say anything else because in an instant, he captured your lips with his. The kiss was short, but sweet and soft. Your cheeks turned the darkest shade of red as Yunan grinned at you. After this he turned to your father.

“Then we have no problem! So, I can take her as my bride now, can't I?” he asked.

You were shocked and your heart wanted to jump out of your chest. He kissed you and said he want to wed you!

Wait… that was the only way to get you away from your father… Yes, that must it be, right?

“O-Of course...” your father stuttered, unsure, not knowing what to do. Since he can't do anything against his own orders, he left you two alone and you sighed in relief.

It was a dead silence afterwards. You were on your way with Yunan and didn't have the guts to say anything about the kiss or the bride stuff. Suddenly Yunan stopped walking. You didn't notice at first, as you walked behind him with your gaze towards the ground that caused you to stumble into his back.

“Huh?” you asked. Yunan turned to you and smiled sadly.

“Are you mad because of the kiss?” he asked. Your cheeks turned red and you averted your gaze.

“No… I... That was just unexpected…” you said.

Yunan laid his hand on your shoulder, causing you to look at him.

“It felt real though, I know it was only because of father.” Your words caused Yunan to chuckle.

“W...What's so funny?” you asked. Yunan smiled and leaned in.

“It was a real kiss [Name]! I.. like you.”

“But… You don't know me at all.” You protested.

Yunan’s smile widened, “That is not true. Your Rukh showed me your past, and with every part I got to know you better! I simply wanted to be closer to you. You know, I expected our meeting since a long time. In my dreams there was always a girl who looked like you.“

You blinked, not really knowing where he was getting at.

“Yunan…” You said sad, “Did I say something wrong?” he panicked. You chuckled and put your forehead on his.

“No, but you should know that we may never find a home for me, because I just claimed YOU as my home.” Yunan laughed a bit and hugged you.

“I think I can live with that.” he whispered before kissing you again.
So here is my newest oneshot. Being beta read :) So I guess its better than my other ones o.O
Well Kouen x Reader will be the next one (and contains smut *cough*) So.. look forward it :)
Sadly requests are still closed until I finished all open ones! I am sorry!

Oh and I don't own Yunan or You!
© 2014 - 2024 Sekata
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Snowy5024's avatar
But.... Fanalis are super strong..... If Reader-chan is just like a normal human, what's the point of making her a Fanalis?